tirsdag 24. august 2010

Same chick, new adventure

Well, I've recieved some complaints about missing information about my trip to Ecuador, here it comes, for everyone who fancies it! I figured english is the most reasonable - I'll have to be excused if write a bit funky - I've never been more language-confused!

Some facts:
Destination: Ecuador with a short stop in Madrid
Time: 7 Weeks - 9th of August - 4th of October
Goal: Spanish, salsa and surfing
How: 4 weeks of spanish/salsa classes in Quito, 3 weeks of sun, fun and surf at the coast

Okey, so far?
My days are pretty packed in the weekdays - doing 4 hours one-on-one spanish and quite a lot of homework every day. I actually enjoy it a lot, can spend ours the living room like an old granny with my blanket (it's cold here at night!), a cup of tea and look up words, do my homework etc. And it works! I still speak spanish like a kid, but we've been speeding through an unbeleivable lot of grammar and words in the last 2 weeks. Now I can actually have a conversation (not a good one though) and my salsa teacher only speaks to me in spanish now - yej!!

yep, salsa takes a lot of my time too - doing one hour a day (also one-on-one) and try to go out and dance a bit in the evenings as well. Great fun! But I don't know if everything will be useful for when I go back home - seems like they're doing things a bit differently here, they tend to dance a lot closer here (surprise..!)

The rest of the time is spent hanging out at the hostel, partying, walking around. I finally got around to get outside my little bubble this weekend too - did a day trip hiking up Cotopaxi, a big volcano outside Quito - and biking most of the way down, weee! Really cool. I don't think it would be allowed in Europe tho, the roads were supersteep and extremely bumpy. Like the last time in South America - I love that they don't care that much for safety here - makes everything a bit more adventurous! :)