Back to the caribbean coast! I bussed up to Rio Dulce and Livingston on the caribbean coast of Guatemala. Rio Dulce - Sweet River - is really sweet! Nice and quiet, blue skies and turquise water, jungle on the shores the whole way. I stayed in an amazing hotel on a secluded spot in the jungle at the shore, filled with hammocks, cats, dogs and with deilicioso family style dinners where everybody sat down together. I had some relaxing days, except that I was foolish enough to show the owner's daughter the games in my iPhone - she would't leave me alone after that. It was a bit disturbing when the 6 year old woke me up in my hammock saying "Tiineee, Tiiiineee, let's kill some zombies, it's so funny when the big ones get their heads chopped off!".
I did a day trip to Livingston, the only town in Guatemala with a black population. The atmosphere is quite different from the rest of the country, with a lot of rastafaris and creole slang. We had the pleasure of a little unofficial guided tour through the black neighbourhood. He told us all about that Livingston isn't all about reggae and chillin', the black population live in a very separated area, and has a lot more problems than the latinos. They live in poverty, the latinos control most of the resources and the tourist industry, and they usually don't hire black people.
Then I got 3 boats, 3 buses and a taxi, all in one day, to make it to Utila, Honduras! A caribbean island that's ALL about the diving. To be honest, I didn't really feel like I got to know Honduras there - it's very international and you might as well forget that you're supposed to practice your spanish. I stayed there for 6 days, got my open water diving certificate there, and loved it! Unfortunately no sharks or dolphins, but enough fish, stingrays, lobsters and a turtle to keep me entertained. I also played my first real poker game with money and got myself another bikini :) Most entertaining moment on land: A drunk diving instructur telling us about being a member of the Mile Low Club (people who's had sex underwater) - 10 meters depth! She taught us that you just to put on some extra weights and not waste too much time making it enjoyable.